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11 Easy Tips and Tricks for beginners to promote AFFILIATE links


One of the best ways for bloggers to transform their material into a passive revenue stream is through affiliate marketing. You may increase your earnings per click by joining a high-paying affiliate network and optimising the effectiveness of your affiliate links.

Affiliate marketing programmes produce 15% of all revenue from digital media online and are expected to rise at a 10% yearly rate through 2021.

So, how can you get started with affiliate marketing, create a profitable blog, and use affiliate links to earn a consistent income?

This course will teach you how to get affiliate links, how to promote them and drive traffic to your website, and how to become an affiliate marketer.

Affiliate links are unique URLs that are used to trace traffic from your site to the advertiser's. Each affiliate marketer has their own unique URL, which includes identifiers such as a randomised series of numbers and letters, your username, or another methods of identification. When a website visitor clicks on one of your affiliate links, a record is sent to the affiliate programme, which may be used to measure metrics like clicks, sales, and commissions. You'll usually only get paid if the visitor makes a purchase, although you can also get compensated for leads.

1      Join an Affiliate Network and Affiliate Programs.

Publishers and website owners can participate in a variety of affiliate schemes. Investigate which programmes are compatible with your marketing objectives, content topics, and interests. Among the most popular programmes are:

  1. ShareASale
  2. CJ Affiliate
  3. Impact Radius

When looking for the best affiliate programmes, consider the merchants that are offered, the commission rates, and the application restrictions. To become an affiliate marketer, certain affiliate programmes require candidates to complete specific requirements. I propose that you join Shareasale if you're just getting started.

2. Log in to Your Affiliate Dashboard and Locate the Links

Log in to your affiliate programme after you've been approved to find your affiliate links.

You can choose which of the advertiser's text links or banners you want to promote on your website using this dashboard. Your exclusive affiliate links will be automatically generated for you to market with embedded HTML or just the link itself once you've picked the text link.

3. Copy and Paste the HTML or Direct Link Into Your Content.

You'll need to copy the HTML code or direct link when you've discovered the appropriate sponsor and chosen an affiliate link type. Then, copy and paste this code and/or link into your blog or website's content.

You can also cloak your affiliate links and make them seem nicer on your site by using a WordPress plugin like ThirstyAffiliates. For example, appears more professional than a random string of numbers and letters.

ClickMeter is another excellent link tracking tool. They make it easy to keep track of, optimise, and monitor all of your affiliate links in one spot. They also offer a popular affiliate programme that pays out 90% commissions for promoting their link tracking tool.

4. Track the Success of Your Affiliate Links in the Dashboard.

Return to your dashboard to track the progress of your affiliate links now that they're online. Although each platform is a little different, you can use this tool to see the amount of clicks, sales, and commissions.

Let's move on to the finest ways to generate money online this year with your affiliate connections.

11 Easy Ways to Promote Affiliate Links

Publishers indicated affiliate connections provided more cash for their website than other kinds of promotion after Google AdSense and its alternatives, according to a report. This is because affiliate links can be promoted using a variety of strategies, platforms, campaigns, and types of content.

Start promoting your affiliate links in these top 11 sites if you want to be a successful affiliate blogger.

1. Affiliate Website Reviews.

You should investigate the companies you're promoting and the tools or goods they offer in the same way you did while looking for affiliate marketing programmes to join.

Use this opportunity to write honest reviews of the products you're advertising (while including your affiliate links). When researching the product you're marketing, your first priority should be keyword research and include headings that best match a searcher's objective.

Provide detailed details on everything a potential buyer would need to know in these reviews, such as:


  • ·         How to get started or purchase the product.
  • ·         The most important benefits and drawbacks of utilising the product.
  • ·         Others who have had success with the product as examples.
  • ·         Tips on how to be successful with your audience's product.

It's critical to be objective, fair, and transparent with your content when using these evaluations to drive hits on your affiliate links. Other review sites are also a great way to advertise your own website, so make sure you understand how they work.

2. Deep Product Tutorials.

You can market affiliate links by generating in-depth product lessons, in addition to developing product reviews. This is similar to reviews, only that you're diving deep into "how-to" stuff. If you join the Amazon Associates affiliate network, for example, choose things you've used before and write articles about how to use them.

·         How to place an order for the product.

·         The product's advantages and disadvantages.

·         What is the location of the product?

·         Product recommendations from the insider.

3. Affiliate Banners

Affiliate programmes provide links in the form of affiliate banners in addition to text links in your blog content. These clickable banners can be placed in a variety of places on your website, including your blog's sidebar.

Your website's header and footer.

Embedded in the content of a blog.

In marketing messages sent via email.

Check to determine if your affiliate programme allows you to use affiliate banners before you start. Then copy and paste the HTML code into the correct location on your website.


4. Automated Welcome Emails.

Building a devoted readership as an affiliate marketer and blogger is critical to long-term success. Email marketing is a powerful tool for attracting visitors to your website, disseminating content, and maintaining relationships with readers.

Send an automated welcome email series to people who subscribe to your site. Use affiliate links in this email by sharing related content. However, avoid spamming your links.

If your 7-part welcome email series is on how to establish a WordPress site, for example, don't automatically stuff email 1 with affiliate links. Build trust with your readers by telling your personal narrative, and then deliver information that will be most useful to them. Helping your audience comes first, and earning affiliate commissions comes second.


5. Resources or Tools Pages.

You must establish yourself as an expert or thought leader on specific issues in order to generate recurring and passive revenue from your affiliate links.

Create a Resources page on your website as part of your marketing plan, highlighting the top tools and goods you recommend. List and discuss the items you use and suggest on this page - and you can't lie about it. You must genuinely use and enjoy the goods on your resource page in order to be confident that your readers will benefit from their use.

6. Inside of Digital Products.

As your website and following increase, you can start creating and offering special digital products to your audience, such as eBooks and online courses. These digital products, of course, present ideal possibilities to include your affiliate connections.

Make careful to incorporate these links into your article naturally. Your digital products should not feel like sales pitches, but rather opportunities for users to learn more about a specific subject.


If you're teaching an online course about how to create a blog, for example, section 1 might include an affiliate link to sign up for Bluehost as a hosting provider. It's only natural to include your affiliate link within your course.


7. YouTube Affiliate Links.

You already know that videos are an effective marketing tool, particularly for affiliate marketers. In fact, according to Animoto, 93 percent of businesses have gained a new consumer as a direct result of a social media video.

You may make video content around a number of topics as an affiliate marketer and incorporate your affiliate links in the process. There are two major methods for incorporating affiliate links into video content.

To begin, the simplest approach to use YouTube affiliate links is to include them in the description of your video. If you utilise this strategy, make sure to attract attention to the description in your video both orally and aesthetically. To send viewers to the correct place, most YouTubers utilise language like "Click on the links in the description below."


The second strategy is to use annotations on YouTube. These are the translucent boxes that appear at predetermined times and locations throughout a YouTube video, usually with a call to action. Each box is hyperlinked, allowing you to add your affiliate links in the most convenient location.

Use both YouTube affiliate link techniques to your advantage for the best results.

8. Promoting Affiliate Links on Facebook

You can also share your affiliate links on Facebook, either through your personal profile or a business page.

Make sure you're not sending affiliate link posts to your followers' Facebook newsfeed. Your goal is to persuade someone to buy anything through your affiliate links. Post engaging, educational, and intriguing content using affiliate links to do this.

9. Instagram Affiliate Links.

You may create affiliate traffic from your Instagram posts in the same way you do from your Facebook posts. Instagram, on the other hand, has one significant exception: Instagram postings are not clickable.

Instead, fans must be directed to your bio in order to click on a link.


Incorporating links into Instagram Stories is a workaround for this issue. You can add links to your Instagram Stories post once you reach 10,000 followers.


If you want to sell on Instagram, make it a point to first create a loyal following. These devoted followers are more likely to connect with your content by clicking on affiliate links in your bio or Instagram Stories.


10. Pinterest Affiliate Links.

Because Pinterest is a visual social media network, you have a number of options for driving traffic to your affiliate links, particularly those that advertise physical things.


Create pins and boards around a certain product for the greatest results. You can also place a pin with your affiliate link on a board with a broader theme.


Create a Pinterest board around healthy eating recommendations, ideas, and recipes, for example, if you're an affiliate marketer for a nutrition firm. Make sure to include one or two pins that use your affiliate links on that board.

By reviewing your affiliate dashboard as well as Pinterest Analytics, you can observe which strategy produces the best results.

11. Twitter Affiliate Links.

There's a little wordplay involved in using affiliate links on Twitter. You must be clever because you only have 280 characters to persuade someone to click on your affiliate link. Experiment with several copywriting approaches to determine which one generates the most affiliate link hits.

You may also add a picture or video to your social media copy and links to generate more engaging material for your target audience.

Most affiliate marketers, on the other hand, use Twitter to drive traffic to their websites and blog posts. They then employ various strategies we've discussed to persuade people to click on the embedded affiliate links.


How to Make Your Affiliate Links Public

As an affiliate marketer, you must declare your participation in affiliate programmes. At the introduction of their material and on a dedicated page of their website, most content creators will include a short statement outlining the relationship between the content and the affiliate programme sponsor.

A appropriate affiliate link declaration at the top of a blog post would look like this:

"As a blogger, I may use affiliate links from advertisers in my writing. I may be compensated if readers take action on these links, such as clicking, purchasing, or subscribing. However, these are the things that I wholeheartedly suggest and that have greatly aided my blog."

For maximum openness, mention which affiliate programmes you are associated with and facts about that arrangement on your dedicated affiliate disclosure page.

For maximum openness, list any affiliate programmes you're a part of and the specifics of your affiliation.


Take a look at these samples for some ideas.


You risk violating FTC standards and perhaps incurring a fine if you don't include an affiliate link disclaimer. Furthermore, affiliate advertisers have the authority to remove you from their programmes if you do not properly declare your participation online.

Five Ways to Make Affiliate Links Work for You

The affiliate marketing landscape is always shifting, and writers must stay on top of the latest developments in order to optimise their blog's earning potential. Use these five suggestions for continuing affiliate marketing success in 2019.

1.    Use Affiliate Link Cloaking

Depending on the identifiers used by a programme, affiliate links can be quite long.

Instead, use a solution like the ThirstyAffiliates WordPress plugin to automatically shorten your affiliate links. You can manage your links, insert them into relevant material, and use sophisticated capabilities like geo-targeting from the plugin's WordPress dashboard.


An affiliate link cloaking solution not only makes tracking and maintaining your links a breeze, but it also makes them look professional and branded.

2. Promote Multiple Affiliate Products.

You can promote as many items and advertisers as you like as an affiliate marketer. You may promote everything from airline affiliate programmes to baggage companies, travel gear, hotels, and more if you have a travel blog.


Also, if you decide to diversify your content, make sure to categorise it. You can join affiliate programmes for beauty, apparel, and accessories, for example, if you operate a fashion blog. Create different types of material for each category and organise them into different areas of your website.


This guarantees that your material is easily accessed while also providing many money streams.


3. But, Don’t Overdo It with Too Many Products.

It wouldn't make sense to generate content marketing a web hosting firm on a website dedicated to fashion, as in our earlier example.

While you are welcome to join as many affiliate programmes as you qualify for, going overboard can confuse readers and cause organisational issues for you.


Instead of publishing material for all industries on one website, create unique websites for each topic if you want to join in affiliate programmes for different businesses.

4. Diversify Your Affiliate Link Placement.

We've looked at a few different ways where you can market your affiliate links today. To maximise revenue, it's in your best interest to diversify where you employ your connections.

Promote your affiliate links in the following places:


Content and reviews for the blog.

Tutorials on certain products.

Videos from YouTube.

Advertisements in the form of banners.

Posts on social media

Messages sent via email.

Products that are digital (i.e. eBooks, online courses).


Your options are limitless. Why put yourself in a box?

5. Put Your Audience First.

In the end, it's all about your target audience. If your audience isn't interested in the link, don't generate content just to promote it. To begin, learn everything you can about your target audience's needs, wants, and pain areas. Then, publish content that offers the best solution possible.

Your goal is to provide the greatest possible material to your viewers (that can also generate sales for through affiliate links). However, there is no way to make a sale if your audience doesn't know, like, or trust you.

Summary of the report


It's time to put your newfound knowledge to work. Now that you know how affiliate links function, where to promote them, and how to completely declare your participation in affiliate programmes, it's time to put it to use.


First, find some high-paying affiliate programmes to join, then grab those links, set them where your readers will see them, and start monetizing your site right now.


Let's hope that these affiliate link tactics start assisting you in earning more money from each click.




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