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Traffic generation guide for Newbies


The World Wide Web has truly pervaded all aspects of human existence. Everything 
and everyone is going online now, and the move towards a totally connected world is 
not “if” anymore, it’s “when”.
Statistics show that up to 85% of the people who spend time online also purchase 
online. If you take the North American continent alone where more than 75% of the population have a broadband Internet connection at home, even if a fraction of these people buy online, it is still a huge market.
Online purchasing is also seeing tremendous growth and many companies are projecting a doubling of volume in just three years. If you take PayPal as a case in point, they have gone from $2 billion in payment volumes in 2002 to $16 billion in 2009 with revenues crossing $2.4 billion.
Amazon is another case that you can take as an example. Considering that Amazon is one of the largest online retailers, if not the largest, just looking at their total sales 
volume will show you that the trend in terms of online purchasing is only going up. 
While just four years ago, in 2006, Amazon was about par with retail sales, since then they have posted higher growth rates, including during the recession years while retail sales has seen a steady decline in sales. Amazon has posted a 16% growth since the last one year alone while retail sales have grown only by 2.5%. Online is where you will have to be in the future and whether you are selling something or just blogging about your thoughts, if you are serious about it you will have to do 
something to increase web traffic to your site.
There are a number of ways in which you can do this and there are a number of people who give free advice on what you need to do to increase web traffic. One of the most common things you hear is SEO or Search Engine Optimization, and while this is something that you have to keep in mind, there are a number of other things that you 
can also think about.
This guide is meant to be informative to help beginners who want to set up their own 
websites on the salient points that they will have to keep in mind while they do this. 
Some of the tips may be a little complicated, but most of them are very simple and how popular your site becomes depends on how effectively you can bring them all together.


The content that you put up on your website is the most critical thing that you need to 
think of. In the same way that a store will do well only if they sell things that people 
need, you will get people visiting your website only if you give something that people are looking for. Of course it also means that you are entering a crowded market because genuinely unique niches are hard to come by. If you do find one, you are on to a good thing, but even if not, as long as you make the content appealing, you are sure to find takers. Do something that others don't do. For example, selling products or services online is catching on really fast, and you will find a number of sites with products that link back to 
the larger online retailers like Amazon or eBay. If you want to do the same, it is not that difficult, except that there is something that you will have to give that other websites do not offer. For example, if you offer a personal review of the product that you are selling you are sure to develop a certain number of loyal customers and as long as the reviews are informative and helpful you will only get more customers with time.
There are other websites that offer the same thing, but most of them will have only a 
couple of lines that they probably found in other websites and copied. If you give 
information that is more detailed and specific, things that only a user would know, you are sure to make a hit.

  • Keep people coming back for more!

This does take more work and time, but unless you are willing to invest in good content, there is really no point in proceeding further. Make sure that you do your research. Even if you are only selling dog collars, as long as you give the pros and cons of each one honestly people will appreciate it. The goal should be to make the content such that people who even casually visit your site once will bookmark it and keep coming back.

  • Keep it short and simple

While writing your content, remember that just because you want to be informative you should not have long winded articles. Statistics show that between 400 and 600 words is the best length for most online articles. If you want to fill space in your site use other interactive content. Not only will this make the whole thing nicer to see and read it will also relieve the monotony of just plain text. Even if you do not have the expertise to create interactive content, just using bullet points and charts in-between text will break it up into smaller more easily read pieces.

  • Stay who you are

Lastly, while writing, never lose your human voice. While writing it is easy to lose the 
personal touch that you give when talking and instead go for a more professional voice. 
The only thing that this will serve to do is to make visitors feel unwanted.
This becomes more of a problem as you grow, because as you see more money come in you will start to streamline the content. You need to walk a tight rope here because it is very easy to lose what brought people to your site in the first place while doing this. 
The risk of changing anything is that just as there is potential for success, there is an 
equally good chance for failure too.
One more thing that you should keep in mind when developing web content is that the more graphics you have, the more time it takes to load the page. While this may not be a problem with many people because they have a broadband connection, a number of 
people access the net through their phones and palmtops, and heavy websites really 
slow down these machines.


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